Wedding Observations

Deb­by and I attend­ed a wed­ding on Saturday.

The cou­ple was almost gid­di­ly hap­py. Most cou­ples get­ting mar­ried are hap­py, but these two were joy­ous. It was cool.

The cater­er was very care­ful to serve the sal­ad to every seat at every table. Even the emp­ty tables. There was an emp­ty seat at our table and we tried to stop the serv­er, but no “We have to set every chair”. And, of course, charge for every chair. But only the sal­ad gets served. The rest of the food is in a buf­fet. A bit of a rack­et, but then, they had to have enough of all the food just in case every­one showed up.

When it was time for our table to go through the buf­fet I was not yet done with my sal­ad. By the time we got back to the table, my sal­ad plate had been cleared. This is a pet peeve of mine…wait staff remov­ing stuff from the table before I’m done with it. I am amazed how often the serv­er wants to take my plate before I’m done eat­ing. I have become very para­noid about it.

It hit me (and I may be the last per­son on earth to fig­ure this out…) that the throw­ing of the bou­quet and the garter actu­al­ly serves a use­ful pur­pose. It allows the sin­gle peo­ple to see who among the oppo­site sex is single.

Two girls wres­tled over the bou­quet leav­ing a lot of petals on the floor. I was won­der­ing if I was on a movie set.

The recep­tion dance floor was not at all slip­pery. It was non slip. Pre­sum­ably this is to reduce lia­bil­i­ty? I would think I’d be more like­ly to get hurt try­ing to “dance” on a non slip sur­face than I would on a slip­pery surface.

Dance” is in quotes because…you’ve heard of the TV pro­gram You Think You Can Dance?…well, when they come up with the show You Know You Can’t Dance But You Don’t Care…that’s the show I’ll be on.

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