This Might Put an End to People Leaning on Walls

It seems that Archi­tect Gin­ger Krieg Dosier has devel­oped a way to grow “bricks by com­bin­ing sand, bac­te­ria, cal­ci­um chlo­ride and urea, all easy-to-come-by mate­ri­als.”

Accord­ing to the link, urine has also been found to be a good source of hydro­gen (the bat­tery fuel is not so use­ful it seems).

Soon plumbers will be mak­ing lots of mon­ey retro­fitting bath­rooms to save the urine!!

4 thoughts on “This Might Put an End to People Leaning on Walls”

  1. Hmmm, I did­n’t think about piss­ing on walls. Would the urine act as a sol­vent and weak­en the brick? Or strength­en it?

    No, I do not believe that guy worked for me. My employ­ees were not allowed to be armed.

    Hap­py Belat­ed Birthday!

  2. That was my thought.

    Peo­ple caught piss­ing on the walls, claim­ing that they were strength­enig the walls.


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