Everywhere a Sign

As we drove through New York last week, we came across some road con­struc­tion. It is sum­mer after all and this is to be expect­ed. I do not remem­ber what road we were on, but it is a four lane divid­ed high­way. The left lanes on both sides of the road were closed. As the pic­ture shows, the tem­po­rary con­crete bar­ri­er was set up and the shoul­der con­vert­ed to the right lane.

Note the sign:


What else is there? If a vehi­cle is not on the shoul­der, it is not in the right lane. If it is in the right lane, it is already on the shoulder.

And this sign is installed every few hun­dred feet. Just to the left of the speed lim­it sign the bot­tom of the next “Right Lane Must Use Shoul­der” sign is vis­i­ble peek­ing out from behind the green info sign.