Dear Congresswoman Bachmann

It has come out that Michele Bach­mann has a more or less con­tin­u­ing expe­ri­ence with poten­tial­ly inca­pac­i­tat­ing (pre­sum­ably tem­porar­i­ly) migraines. She has released a let­ter (the text of which can be seen at TPM) from her physi­cian clar­i­fy­ing her prob­lem and how she is treat­ed for it. I am not a doc­tor, so I have no idea if the let­ter is suf­fi­cient­ly explana­to­ry or not. It does sound as though the headaches are not a seri­ous problem.

There is one ques­tion I have. With­in the let­ter, addressed to Michele by her doc­tor, is the following:

Your migraines occur infre­quent­ly and have known trig­ger fac­tors of which you are aware and know how to avoid.

Dear Con­gress­woman Bachmann,

If you expect Amer­i­cans to sup­port you in your bid to become Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States, I sus­pect that a great num­ber of us would like to know just what the known trig­ger fac­tors for your migraines are (just in case one of them might be, oh say, mak­ing a tough deci­sion, for exam­ple). Could you please let us know? Thanks!

Rich Beck­man

I’m sure I’ll be hear­ing from her soon.