Late Show Music Choice

While I typed up the last post, David Let­ter­man was on the TV in the back­ground. My atten­tion was drawn when I heard the band play­ing If You Want to Be Hap­py, a Jim­my Soul hit from 1963.

The band was play­ing in David’s guest, Kather­ine Hei­gl, whom I have nev­er heard of, but from what I saw on Let­ter­man, I don’t think any­one would call her ugly. The lyrics of If You Want to Be Hap­py include: “If you want to be hap­py for the rest of your life, nev­er make a pret­ty woman your wife, so from my per­son­al point of view, get an ugly girl to mar­ry you” So the beau­ti­ful actress is played in with a song about the virtues of mar­ry­ing an ugly girl. Ms Hei­gl did not com­ment on the music and I won­der if she’s ever heard the song.

It turns out that Ms Hei­gl is on Let­ter­man to pro­mote the movie The Ugly Truth (the clip did not look promis­ing). Did the fact that the word “ugly” is in the title of the movie jus­ti­fy the song choice?

This is a great song that I’ve always loved. Mem­o­ry tells me that my old­est sis­ter loved the song (although she is (and was) beau­ti­ful!). But it seems an odd choice to play in a guest on a late night talk show.