Obsessive Compulsive Not!

This is my guitar:


I bought it in 1974. If mem­o­ry serves, it cost in the vicin­i­ty of $300. So that con­ser­v­a­tive­ly comes out to at least 25 min­utes of play­ing for each pen­ny spent (fig­ur­ing an hour a day play­ing on aver­age). Rea­son­ably well spent money.

This is my can of gui­tar polish:

guitar polish

I bought it in 1974. I don’t remem­ber what I paid for it.

Yes­ter­day I put new strings on the gui­tar and I took the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pol­ish it up a bit. Judg­ing by the feel of the can of pol­ish, I think it must be close to half emp­ty. So I only have a 35 year sup­ply of gui­tar pol­ish on hand.