I’m Back.

Mov­ing is a dis­rup­tive activ­i­ty. It made sense that I did­n’t get to blog­ging while we were actu­al­ly in the process of buy­ing and mov­ing. But we have been liv­ing here now since late Octo­ber and I am only now return­ing to the blog. We now live in a beau­ti­ful, old home in Fort Wayne, Indi­ana. I imag­ine there will be a few posts about the house in the near future.

Our com­put­er died while we were get­ting ready to move. So we live in a new (96 year old) house, with new com­put­ers, new isp, and now a new year.

Along with all that we pur­chased a new bed and had it deliv­ered as soon as we had pos­ses­sion of the house. We brought up a card table and a cou­ple of fold­ing chairs and then we spent a cou­ple of days here clean­ing before the move (not that the house need­ed much clean­ing, the pre­vi­ous own­ers left it clean). That first night we retired to the bed­room and turned out the lights.

But the room did not go dark.

We’ve lived in the coun­try for the past twen­ty years. At that house, when the lights are turned out at night, the room goes dark. Even­tu­al­ly the eyes adjust and one can bare­ly see by what starlight makes it through the window.

But not here. Here the room is still lit as the light from the street­lights comes threw the shades. A dra­mat­ic difference.

It is no big deal. We can sleep almost any­where. But it was startling.

I imme­di­ate­ly thought of my father.

I grew up in the same house my father grew up in. While grow­ing up, I nev­er even knew which room was Dad’s (Dad was­n’t much about telling sto­ries of his past). Then one day Mom made a com­ment about Dad not being able to sleep in a total­ly dark room because he grew up sleep­ing in a room with light from the street­light com­ing through the win­dow. Based on that bit of info, I have since assumed that Dad’s room was the room by broth­er had and that I moved into the day he left for col­lege (kind of rude of me, really).

This is what I remem­ber. I can not swear every detail is true.

Hap­py New Year to all!