Credit Where Credit is Taken?

You may have heard that the eco­nom­ic recov­ery has con­tin­ued to strength­en. Of course, Repub­li­cans are quick to take cred­it. Real­i­ty presents a dif­fer­ent picture:

This chart* is the change in GDP by quar­ter. The red rep­re­sents the end of the Bush admin­is­tra­tion, the blue the begin­ning of the Oba­ma administration.

It would appear that the failed stim­u­lus and bailouts real­ly fouled things up!

In any event, the econ­o­my was clear­ly in growth mode before the Repub­li­cans had any chance to influ­ence it (espe­cial­ly giv­en that the Repub­li­cans have yet to do any­thing that would have an effect!!!).

But what does evi­dence mean to a par­ty that large­ly denies human caused cli­mate change (when they are not deny­ing cli­mate change itself) and most­ly does not accept evo­lu­tion as a valid the­o­ry of how life works on earth?

*Chart from The Wash­ing­ton Month­ly.