10 thoughts on “Eggs”

  1. What is it you do not under­stand? The pic­ture is of eggs at a hotel’s free hot break­fast buf­fet. They look like small, yel­low pan­cakes, but they are eggs.

    Who would choose to have their eggs like that?

  2. By the way: Would­n’t both­er me a bit. 

    As long as it was actu­al scram­bled eggs, and not some­thing like pow­dered eggs.

  3. Sure, lots of peo­ple will­ing­ly eat them! Shoot, in the con­text of the pho­to, they are free!

    But how many would choose them when asked “How do you want your eggs?”

    And would you?

  4. I guess I don’t see the problem.

    If asked how I’d like my eggs, I would nor­mal­ly say “scram­bled.” (Although, if in a restau­rant, I like to ask for fried eggs with run­ny yolks. Noth­ing tastes as good in the morn­ing as wheat toast with reall but­ter, dipped in egg yolk !!)

    If my scram­bled eggs, arrived shaped like this, or shaped like a cube, or sep­a­rat­ed out into eight blobs around the plate… Or com­plete­ly encir­cled by hash browns and maple sausages… Or col­ored red white and blue, and shaped into an amer­i­can flag… I real­ly would­n’t care. 

    As long as they are scram­bled eggs. LOL

  5. I fig­ure I’d frus­trate the hell out of a chef at some fan­cy restau­rant. LOL

  6. I don’t under­stand why you would frus­trate the chef. You order the eggs scram­bled and you accept them as scram­bled in any num­ber of var­i­ous states. Seems like the chef has it easy.

  7. Let’s say said chef is ‘known’ for his culi­nary materpieces. 

    Both for taste, and for artis­tic tal­ent in prepa­ra­tion and presentation…

    Now lets say I order a meal of scram­bled eggs in his restau­rant… (Ok, let’s assume THIS PARTICULAR famous chef would actu­al­ly ‑make- scram­bled eggs. The horror.)

    So the chef does his mag­ic. A spec­tac­u­lar show is made of bring­ing the meal to the table.

    And… I eat the smashed aigs.

    Dem wuz some pur­ty gouod aigs !

    The chef sim­mers until he boils over.….…..


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